Upload Bhajans


Welcome to the Upload Bhajans page on Bhajan Manch! This is your opportunity to share your soulful bhajans with a growing community of devotees.

To upload your bhajan, follow these simple steps:

  1. Bhajan Title: Start by entering the title of your bhajan. Choose a title that represents the essence of the bhajan and resonates with the listeners.
  2. Lyrics Submission: After entering the title, you will need to provide the full lyrics of your bhajan in the designated form field. Ensure that the lyrics are complete and accurate, as this will help us showcase your bhajan properly to the audience.

Once you have filled in these details, simply hit the Submit button. Our team will review the submitted content to ensure that it meets our community standards and guidelines. This review process is important to maintain the quality and devotional spirit of Bhajan Manch.

After approval, your bhajan will be made live on the platform for others to read, sing, and connect with spiritually. You’ll be part of a vast network of fellow devotees, contributing to the devotional collection on Bhajan Manch.

We encourage you to share your heartfelt compositions and spread the joy of bhakti through music. Thank you for being part of this sacred journey!


Please Fill The Form: